Let’s try again.
I have an incredible amount of optimism for the changes that are in store for my new upbringing, ranging from lifestyle to professional developments, and offering me what feels like a second chance at rebuilding myself from a low. I’m not saying my life before was any bad, but it definitely wasn’t what I had planned coming into adulthood. There’s been many disappointments, unfulfilled expectations, a sense of gloom hanging over my head; and it doesn’t help that I was content with it all. I was fine being stuck in all that mess only because I knew I had to stay in order to progress financially and to secure a comfortable and enjoyable future. I couldn’t do anything about the gloom because I didn’t want to do anything about gloom.
Well, it’s time I start pouring into my own cup.
Everything about this change feels like a breath of fresh air. This new apartment is fresh and wide open, the location is great with many coffee shops, stores, and restaurants within walking distance. My new job is stressful due to the fact that I’m relearning everything in a different standard (Oregon nursing standards). I have 0 friends or connections out here and have to learn how to make organic relationships. I have more responsibility to be independent and make decisions that benefit myself financially, socially, and creatively. There are new cuisines to try, different landscapes to explore, and the weather is always on the chilly side.
That’s… a lot. So much that I’m afraid. But I can’t let this fear get the better of my restart. This website is an example of a project I’m carrying over from my refresh, having been uncompleted then and willing to work hard for now. I kind of see this as a bridge, so it’s important I get off my ass and finish this damn website so that I can say I’ve progressed enough where fear is no longer an issue. A better, more enjoyable life is only a step away, no longer bordered by leaps and bounds, so what’s the point in going headfirst with nothing but fear as my shield?
I’m not going to speak on my restart any more because then I’ll just sound redundant and boring, and nobody want’s to read about redundancy and lack of passion. So, as a final closing word on the topic, I just need to say that I’m doing good. Nobody can stop me. Thank you for sticking around.
Anyways, I’m going to go try any one of the, like, 150 coffee shops within a 1mi radius of my place.
See ya.
The first coffee shop I tried since my move to Portland. Damn, this was gooooooood. Check out the review (theres a link coming i swear).