A New Project: TheRoasted.site
Welp. I did it. A website bred out of an idea to gather all my thoughts into a single resource (also because I was bored of Linktree), this project has been a mega pain in my ass. I went from one platform to another, constantly flaunting my indecisiveness by bouncing between multiple videos, articles, Reddit posts, etc. on “Which platform is better”, “Which platform has the most features”, “Which gives me the most freedom and capability to grow”. All that searching gave me a massive headache, and my eyes would hurt from staring at a screen for so long looking for answers. It came to the point where I had to tell myself, “This is ridiculous, if I don’t just START the damn thing then how will I know if I even like doing it?” So, I started it; and instead of wrapping my head around the countless ways to begin, I just began. I have control now.
This journal section is my way of opening up in a form that isn’t a The Roasted Mind episode, or a CoffeeChatPod video; a daily approach where I can further articulate my thoughts and be as upfront and honest with whoever decides to read this. I’m hoping I learn from this open journal, growing in how I speak, my way of thought, and the understanding of the definition of feeling “okay”.
I like this structure, with a song-of-the-day and a picture that reflects whatever it is I did that day accompanied with a caption (because be honest without that caption would you have known what you’re looking at). I hope this is a good representation of the journal as a first post; but, hey, we can only grow from here, right?
Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this, and probably taking an even more amount of time finding out how to get here from the homepage (no, I’m not adding a header to the homepage. I think it looks cool. Shut up). Tomorrow brings another journal entry, so I’ll see you there. Excited yet? I am.
Thank you,